Life Coach Life Coach

Pornography Addict? SLA? SAA?

This post is for people wondering if they or their partner may be a pornography addict (PA), sex addict (SA), or sex and love addict (SLA). I’m writing this based on my experiences because I’m not a licensed therapist. I’m a wife who has experienced betrayal trauma because of this disease. Over the coming months, I’ll share more about the addiction from my work with PA, SA, and SLA. I’ll also share the partner side of it. 

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Life Coach Life Coach

Addiction Recovery & Healing: How Do I Stay Motivated?

When we're in the process of addiction recovery and healing, one of the challenges we face is staying motivated. Whether you're new to recovery or healing or on your journey for a while, being stagnant can lead to a slippery slope.

This also holds true for anyone in a relationship with someone struggling with addiction. We need to make sure that we stay motivated to take care of ourselves, put ourselves at the top of our priority list, and maintain our boundaries.

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Life Coach Life Coach

my partner’s an addict-should i stay?

Last week, I wrote about the signs of a healthy recovery and a not-so-healthy recovery. This week, I’ll share about the other question I get asked by partners of those struggling with addiction: “Should I stay?”

The easiest answer is, “That’s a very personal decision, and no one can or should make it but you.” (Spoiler alert, I’ll be repeating this again.) It’s an easy answer because it’s right, but that doesn’t make it an easy decision.

Some people will advise you to get out while you can. Others will say they deserve a chance to prove themselves. I prefer to remain neutral because it truly is a personal decision that only you can make for yourself. But, what you can do is be educated about what staying may look like. I say “may” because, well, everyone is too different for me to make a blanket statement.

Except for this blanket statement: if you or your children are in danger or are being abused, please leave. There are resources available. You can begin here, or text “Start to 88788 or call 1-800-799-SAFE.

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Life Coach Life Coach

The Three Circles

One of the most frequent questions I’m asked, and I see online is, “What’s considered a relapse in recovery?” To me, it’s a personal choice. I believe that each person’s recovery is their own to define. What may be a bottom-line to me may not be a bottom-line to someone else. As you know, I quit cocaine cold-turkey over thirty years ago and then white-knuckled sobriety for years until my husband’s SLA addiction resurfaced. That gave both of us an opportunity to do a deep dive on our recoveries and really start healing from our traumas and move away from what our FOO had taught us.

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