Life Coach Life Coach


Many of us in healing and recovery don’t have a clear understanding of proper boundaries. I sure didn’t until I learned about emotional sobriety. I went from being a doormat to being a control freak. Thanks to emotional sobriety, I now understand to stay in my own lane, and that it’s okay to let things go. Having the ability to establish boundaries with those around us can help us on our journey to healing, recovery, and a positive mindset.

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Life Coach Life Coach

Recovery/Healing Mission Statement & W.H.Y Statement

If you’re struggling or unsure where to begin on your healing or recovery journey, reflecting on your reasons for making this positive change is a great place to start. Writing down those reasons can serve as a helpful reminder when we’re feeling unmotivated or stuck.

A Recovery/Healing Mission Statement (R.H.M.S) and a W.H.Y Statement are great tools to keep you moving forward. An R.H.M.S. is a vision you see of yourself and the destination that your recovery and healing will lead you to. It should be a few sentences long and something you read to yourself daily.

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Life Coach Life Coach

Emotional Sobriety

Have you heard of emotional sobriety? If not, you're not alone. Many people in recovery in recovery and healing, present company included, don't hear about it until they're well into their recovery.

What is emotional sobriety?

Emotional sobriety is the ability to feel all our emotions: the good and the bad, and then process the feelings. We learn to move through, lean into, and, most of all, not ignore them.

We want to be part of the solution, not part of the problem! When we ignore what our brain and body tell us, we contribute to our problems.

When we're emotionally sober, we have balance in our life. A great saying about emotional sobriety is, "My definition of balance is being able to obsess equally in all areas of my life." Funny but also quite accurate.

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Life Coach Life Coach

Recovery and Healing Toolkit and Go-Bag

A recovery, mindset, and healing toolkit is perfect for those challenging, anxiety-producing moments when you feel like things are getting out of your control. It’s a place to mentally and physically store the tools you’ve picked up along the way. It consists of three areas: a mindfulness exercise, creating a go-bag, and having an awareness of your body. I’ll go over each one in detail.

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Life Coach Life Coach

s.m.a.r.t goals

Have you ever felt overwhelmed by a project or task? Maybe you’ve decided you want to stop an unhealthy behavior like drinking too much, overeating, or using drugs. Perhaps you want to move towards a healthy goal, like starting a new career, writing a book, or having a more positive mindset. No matter what you’re trying to do, setting reasonable, achievable goals from the beginning can help you reach your destination.

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