Recovery/Healing Mission Statement & W.H.Y Statement

Photo by Tirachard Kumtanom:

If you’re struggling or unsure where to begin on your healing or recovery journey, reflecting on your reasons for making this positive change is a great place to start. Writing down those reasons can serve as a helpful reminder when we’re feeling unmotivated or stuck.

A Recovery/Healing Mission Statement (R.H.M.S) and a W.H.Y Statement are great tools to keep you moving forward. An R.H.M.S. is a vision you see of yourself and the destination that your recovery and healing will lead you to. It should be a few sentences long and something you read to yourself daily.


Your R.H.M.S. will grow and evolve with you as you move through your journey, so be sure to keep it updated so it continues to motivate you. Think about your reasons for making this change in your life. What is your why? What is your purpose for staying clean, getting healthy, and healing? Write it down and look at it. Think about why you decided what you’re doing today isn’t working for you. The more reasons, the better. You can update it as your journey progresses.

Your W.H.Y. Statement is designed to keep you focused and on track.

W.H.Y. Statement

I designed this acronym to help get you started:

W =    What     

H =     How         

=      Yes!

W is What. What motivates you? What excites you about your future when you make this positive change in your life? Why do you want to change? When you close your eyes, what is that burning passion that can keep you motivated? Try to list as many whys as you can.

H is How. How will you make these changes? How can you maintain this change? What are reasonable, maintainable goals you can create? When do you want to start? What is your game plan if you go off track?

Y is Yes. Yes, you can do this! Remind yourself every single day what a fantastic human being you are, no matter how you feel in the moment. Do something to affirm your awesomeness! This means being your own cheerleader. Something that many of us are not used to doing.

This is where the saying, “Fake it til ya make it,” comes into play. Sometimes, even when we don’t feel like we’re amazing, we need to remind ourselves that “I’M A SUPERSTAR!” because we are.

If you have any questions, please let me know. I answer my emails, with no strings attached. I’m here to help!

 Sending everyone happy and healthy vibes,

Life Coach Laura




Emotional Sobriety