s.m.a.r.t goals

Created by Life Coach Laura (copyrighted 2023)

Have you ever felt overwhelmed by a project or task? Maybe you’ve decided you want to stop an unhealthy behavior like drinking too much, overeating, or using drugs. Perhaps you want to move towards a healthy goal, like starting a new career, writing a book, or having a more positive mindset. No matter what you’re trying to do, setting reasonable, achievable goals from the beginning can help you reach your destination.

I prefer the KISS method: Keep It Simple, Silly. Do your best not to overcomplicate your tasks. Think of it as a buffet. There’s no need to pile everything on your plate at one time. The tasks will still be there, but limiting them to one thing at a time, in bite-size portions, can help keep you from feeling overwhelmed.

Applying the S.M.A.R.T Goal approach can also help you stay on track:

S:     Specific:

What do you think will be done? What actions can you take? Be as detailed as possible. For example, instead of saying, “I’m never going to have a relapse” or “I’ll always have a positive mindset,” consider saying something more specific like, “I’ll stay clean for the next 30 days” or “I’ll be mindful of my mindset for the next 30 days.”

M:     Measurable: 

How will you know when you reach it? How can you track progress? Some people count each day on a calendar, and others create a reminder on their cell phones once a week. Some people find counting days stressful, so they set a reminder on the 30th day to alleviate some of the anxiety. It’s your journey, so you track your progress in the best way for you.

A:      Attainable:  Is the goal realistic? If not, can it be adjusted to make it possible?

Those of us in recovery may struggle with strained relationships and want to mend them as soon as we start recovery. Repairing those broken relationships can be challenging, but we can achieve it by setting attainable expectations. Rather than expecting to be greeted with open arms, we can begin with a phone call or written apology.

R:      Relevant: 

Why is your goal important to you? What do you think will keep you motivated to pursue this goal? Think of something that will ignite the fire in your belly to keep you moving forward even on your most challenging days. What made you decide to pursue this goal?

T:      Timely: 

What is your deadline and is there flexibility? The saying, “One day at a time,” is famous for a reason. Sometimes, in recovery and healing, we take things not just one day at a time but one moment at a time. If 30 days is too long, give yourself grace and begin with one day, then 48 hours, then 72 hours, and keep moving forward.

It’s important to be mindful that setbacks can, and most likely will, happen. Whether you’re in recovery or planning on opening a new business, there’s no such thing as perfection. If a setback occurs, don’t let it bog you down or stop you. Instead, see if something can be learned from that moment, then keep moving forward.

Also, don’t forget to celebrate your wins. No matter how small they seem, they are worth celebrating. If you achieved a goal, treat yourself! You deserve it!

If you have any questions, please let me know. I answer my emails, with no strings attached. I’m here to help!

 Sending everyone happy and healthy vibes,

Life Coach Laura







Recovery and Healing Toolkit and Go-Bag