Life Coach Life Coach

Wednesday Wellness: Journaling

I can almost hear the collective sigh across the internet as the word “journaling” was read. Those of us in recovery and healing hear it All. The. Time. Why? Why does everyone tell us to journal? The answer’s quite simple: it works. There’s something cathartic about clearing out the gunk in our brains, putting it from pen to paper or keyboard to screen. Whether you love to write or despise it, journaling is a great addition to our recovery and healing toolkit.

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Life Coach Life Coach

Coping With Difficult Emotions & Triggers: ACCEPTS

One of the most challenging parts of recovering and healing is going through triggers and accepting they may happen. Triggers, especially in the beginning, can pop up out of nowhere, and we need to have some tools in our toolkit to manage them.

One of those great tools comes from DBT (Dialectical behavior therapy) called ACCEPTS

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Life Coach Life Coach


Many of us in healing and recovery don’t have a clear understanding of proper boundaries. I sure didn’t until I learned about emotional sobriety. I went from being a doormat to being a control freak. Thanks to emotional sobriety, I now understand to stay in my own lane, and that it’s okay to let things go. Having the ability to establish boundaries with those around us can help us on our journey to healing, recovery, and a positive mindset.

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